
Who Are The Filipino Foreign Chemist?


4 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
The Filipino Foreign Chemist are credited with some real innovations, one of which being the Quink form of pen ink. This unique form of ink that was created is incredibly quick drying and has its own special cleaning property that allows the pen to remain clean even whilst it's writing. The ink also manages to remain in a liquid state all of the time in the tube, meaning that it doesn't clog up the pen.

These pen inks are used by the Parker Pen Company, and even dates back to 1923. Francisco Quisumbing is the founder of this organization, and he attended the University of the Philippines. He earned his BSA back in 1918 and he also received his Master's degree at the University of the Philippines just a few years later in 1921. He also obtained a PhD in Plant Taxonomy, Systematics and Morphology two years later at the University of Chicago. Given that the basis of his education was chemicals, he was able to experiments with botanicals and other chemical ingredients that started his successful chemical business, Filipino Foreign Chemist.

Later on, he went to work at a number of different Universities. They included the College of Agriculture in the Philippines. He also worked in the University of California in 1926, and later became the Acting Chief of the Natural Museum Division of the Bureau of Science in Manila.

He was a prominent figure in science during the war, and during WWII he was assigned to work with the United States Navy. He worked in a remote location at the south of Samar, and this is where ascended with his research.

For more information you can see his Wikipedia article, but you can also see more about what the company does by visiting its official website. Simply search the Filipino Foreign Chemist on Bing or Google.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Give me ll the foreign and filipino chemist?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thomas alva edison

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