How Many Muscles Does It Take To Smile/frown?


16 Answers

close eyes open them Profile
There is a bit confusion on it look at this
It will describe you more



takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 to
smile (the numbers  may vary)

Hope it helps!!!
Mitch Cameron Profile
Mitch Cameron answered
Hopefully someone will answer the question. I do know that it takes more muscles to smile than to frown.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When you smile 28 muscles work and when you frown 42 muscles work.
balaji raghavan Profile
balaji raghavan answered
It takes 14 muscles to smile..and 72 to frown...

Keep smiling it takes only 14 and not 72...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I've always liked this quote, but people don't realize it takes all of that effort to do both of those things, while it takes none to simply sit there with a dumb look on your face.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It takes one more muscle to smile than to frown, 12 to smile and 1l to frown, rejecting urban legends that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The urban legend, that it takes us to use more muscles to frown, than to smile has been around longer than anybody can remember. The quantity of muscles, it needs to produce either of these expressions, varies to a great extent depending on source. The answer on which one of the facial expressions, frowning or smiling, actually takes more muscles to produce seems also unanswered due to contradicting opinions of several experts. Some of these sayings have been with us for such a long time that nobody really seems to remember anymore, where or why it all originated. With this saying there seems to be a less scientific explanation behind it. Perhaps this aphorism was just a way of passing on the fact that a smile does not cost anything but it can bring great value to the person it has been directed to. The number of muscles it requires to smile or frown is irrelevant. The real significance lies in the meaning of the saying.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm seriously need to exactly know how meny muscles it takes to frown cause I need for assignment

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