What Are Encoding And Decoding In Communication?


10 Answers

Iris Phillips Profile
Iris Phillips answered
Both information processing and communications encoding is the method or process in which a message is transformed into symbols or some other type of code at a source before transmission. Decoding is the process of converting the encoded message back into its original form at the point of receipt.

  • Encoding and decoding in communication
Sometimes it is not possible to send a message directly in spoken or written words. Semaphore, for instance, uses flags held by a person or a so-called semaphore tower. Particular combinations of the positions of the flags or tower arms represent the symbols used in the semaphore code. The message is encoded into those combinations and a person seeing the message from a distance can decipher, or decode, the message.

  • Morse code
This code uses specific sequences of dots and dashes for each letter. The sender translates, or encodes, the message into the correct sequences, then transmits it.

The receiver writes down the sequences and then decodes them using the same system. This enabled the sending of text messages well before the age of computers or mobile phones.

  • Telegraph messages
Telegraph messages, were often abbreviated or encoded into five letter codes for speed. This was used for commercial, military, diplomatic and espionage purposes. AYYLU, for instance, meant not clearly coded, repeat more clearly.

  • Cryptography
This involves secret codes meant to obscure the real meaning of a message. Sometimes a particular book was used as a reference. Transmissions would simply consist of page, line and word numbers. The receiver would then decode the message by finding the corresponding words in the correct book.

  • Binary codes
Most modern computers use binary codes to represent and transmit letters and numbers. The lower case a, for instance, may be represented as 1100001, while the capital A would be 1000001.
Zain Aamir Profile
Zain Aamir answered
To encode means to convert information or data into a form ready for processing and to decode means to convert the data back to the where it can be understood.
1. An interactive program is run on a microcomputer and data is typed in at the keyboard. Circuitry and the keyboard encode the characters as they are typed in.
2. Microprocessors control the chemical process. Measurements are taken by instruments connected to the processors. An interface controls the data to binary data which the microprocessor can deal with.

Examples where data is encoded first and then input later:
1. Information about foods is encoded into bar codes which are then printed on food labels. This data can be input via a laser scanner on a point of sale terminal at the check out.
2. A school sends data file, of all its new pupils to a computer bureau. There they are keyed on to a floppy disk. The disk is then used by the school's computer to add the data to the main files.
hongqin wang Profile
hongqin wang answered
Noun: The activity of making clear or converting from code into plain text; "a secret key or password is required for decryption"
verb: Convert code into ordinary language
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In the computer hardware, coding in a theme or unit for the data storage, management and analysis information for the purpose of converting coded values (typically such as digital) process. In the software, coding, means that the logic to use a specific language such as C or C + + to execute a program. In cryptography, the encoding is written in the code or password in the behavior.
The data is converted to the code or code characters, and can be translated form the original data. The process of writing computer instructions, the program design part of it. Automatic mapping on the map, according to certain rules of numbers and letters with the contents of the course maps, through coded map of the computer to identify the various geographical factors.
N-bit binary number can be combined into two different n-th power of information to the information requirements of a specific code for each group, this process is also called encoding.
Commonly used in digital systems, there are two types of coding, one type is a binary encoding, the other is 2 - decimal encoding.
Subhojit Das Profile
Subhojit Das answered

It looks like that the question is about the the steps of coding
and decoding in the process of communication. The entire process starts with
the sender of the communication having a thoughts in mind which needs to be
communicated. This thought than is coded - that is converted in a form which
can be sent or transmitted from sender of communication to the receiver, The
process of coding typically involves representing the thoughts of information
to be communicated in some form of language. This is first done mentally then
represented in some physical form like written or spoken word or some other
forms method physically representing and transmitting data. The coded data is
then transmitted or sent to the receiver of the communication.

The message transmitted thus teaches the recipient in the form of
some physical representation of data. This physical form of message is
perceived by the recipient through sensory organs. Typically this involves some
activity like hearing, reading, or seeing. Whatever is perceived by the
receiver of the message is then mentally decoded back in the form of thoughts
in the mind of the receiver.The thoughts created in the process of decoding
makes up the understanding of the message by the receiver.

  • Encoding and decoding in communication

Sometimes it is not possible to send a message directly in spoken or
written words. Semaphore, for instance, uses flags held by a person or a
so-called semaphore tower. Particular combinations of the positions of the
flags or tower arms represent the symbols used in the semaphore code. The
message is encoded into those combinations and a person seeing the message from
a distance can decipher, or decode, the message.

  • Morse code

This code uses specific sequences of dots and dashes for each letter.
The sender translates, or encodes, the message into the correct sequences, then
transmits it.  The receiver writes down
the sequences and then decodes them using the same system. This enabled the
sending of text messages well before the age of computers or mobile phones.

  • Telegraph messages

Telegraph messages, were often abbreviated or encoded into five letter
codes for speed. This was used for commercial, military, diplomatic and
espionage purposes. AYYLU, for instance, meant not clearly coded, repeat more

  • Cryptography

This involves secret codes meant to obscure the real meaning of a
message. Sometimes a particular book was used as a reference. Transmissions
would simply consist of page, line and word numbers. The receiver would then
decode the message by finding the corresponding words in the correct book.

  • Binary codes

Most modern computers use binary codes to
represent and transmit letters and numbers. The lower case a, for instance, may
be represented as 1100001, while the capital A would be 1000001.

The difference between encoding and
decoding is that encoding means to send information in a code, while decoding
means to remove information. Encoding is the process of putting a sequence of
characters into a specialized format for communication. Decoding is the
reversal of encoding. Decoding is the processing of converting these symbols
back into the format that is understandable by a receiver. Coding is used to
enable communication in situations where spoken or written language is
difficult or impossible.


To encode a message is to alter the format of a message
so that it is more easily transferable. For example, you could take a sentence
in English and encode it so that it is a series of symbols. People encode
messages so that they are more easily sent and stored. Many types of messages
can be encoded, including text, images, audio, video, multimedia, computer
programs and different types of signals. Morse code is a well-known type of
encoding that people historically used to send telegrams over long distances.
In modern times, computers frequently use encoding to send and store
information so you can perform tasks like viewing it on your hard drive or send
them to a friend via email. Wireless communication devices also commonly use
encoding to transmit data over air waves.

Encoding is the process of
converting data into a format required for a number of information processing
needs, including:

  • Program compiling and execution
  • Data transmission, storage and
  • Application data processing, such as file

Encoding can have two meanings:

  • In computer technology, encoding is the
        process of applying a specific code, such as letters, symbols and numbers,
        to data for conversion into an equivalent cipher.
  • In electronics, encoding refers to analog to
        digital conversion.

Techopedia explains Encoding

Encoding involves the use of a
code to change original data into a form that can be used by an external
The type of code used for converting characters is known as American Standard
Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), the most commonly used encoding
scheme for files that contain text. ASCII contains printable and nonprintable
characters that represent uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols, punctuation
marks and numbers. A unique number is assigned to some characters.  The standard ASCII scheme has only zero to
127 character positions; 128 through 255 are undefined. The problem of
undefined characters is solved by Unicode encoding, which assigns a number to
every character used worldwide. Other types of codes include BinHex, Uuencode
(UNIX to UNIX encoding) and Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME).Encoding
is also used to reduce the size of audio and video files. Each audio and video
file format has a corresponding coder-decoder (codec) program that is used to
code it into the appropriate format and then decodes for playback.  Encoding should not be confused with
encryption, which hides content. Both techniques are used extensively in the networking,
software programming, wireless communication and storage fields


Decoding a message is the opposite of
encoding it. You decode an encoded message so that it is in its original

Definition - What does Decoding mean?

Decoding is the process of
converting code into plain text or any format that is useful for subsequent
processes. Decoding is the reverse of encoding. It converts encoded data
communication transmissions and files to their original states.

Techopedia explains Decoding

Most computers use an encoding
methodology to transfer, save or use data. Data to be encoded are transformed
via an encoding mechanism (for example, the American Standard Code for
Information Interchange (ASCII) or BinHex) and transmitted via a communication

As an example, when sending an email, all data, including certain attachments
and images, are encoded using a format such as Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions (MIME). When data arrives, decoding converts the email message
content to its original form.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Massage downloading
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This looks like a too broad schoolwork topic you failed to keep up with and learn, and now you want us to do the work for you. There are encoding schemes and decoding schemes (I won't name them all for you and neither should anyone else) which converts analog signals to a digital series of binary words called bytes. A codec (coderdecoder) processes the conversion, respectively, of transmitted and received signals. The the way the codec works would be governed by a preset scheme such as PCM for sound and other coding schemes. Please check your text books and online resources for additonal information.
nivedha sekar Profile
nivedha sekar answered
Encoding is performed in the transmitter side
decoding is performed in receiver side
modem is the best example..modulation and demodulation can be performed simultaneously..

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