
Explain The Population And Community Levels Of Biological Organization?


3 Answers

saima jabeen Profile
saima jabeen answered
Population level
A population is defined as all the organisms which are belonging to the same species. Examples are the number of rats in a field of rice, the number of students in a class or human population in a city.
Population is a higher level of biological organization than organisms because here a group of organisms of the same species is involved. This level of organization has its own attribute which come into being by living together of a group of organisms of the same species.
Some of these attributes are gene frequency, gene flow, age, distribution, population, density, population pressure etc. All these are new parameters which have appeared due to population of an organism.
Community level.
A community is an assemblage of populations interacting with one another within the same environment. A fallen log can be considered a community because there are various populations in the log and these populations are interacting with each other. Populations of different species living in the same habitat form a community.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
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Anonymous answered
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