
What Is The Meaning Of Producer?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are two types of producers.  One is found in social studies and the other one in science.  In social studies a producer is any person or company that makes items that are sold to consumers (buyers).  In science a producer is any thing that makes something used by something else in our world.  An example of each would be:
Social Studies - a company that makes cars is a producer
Science -  when chemicals are mixed they give off a gas  (they are called producers because they produce the gas).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
By whatever means available the producer makes items value added objects and services available to consumers. The idea extend from the marketplace to natural producers (plants) and consumers (animals).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What is producer because in need it right now because I have homework in science and it says onmy worksheet that ''the clover is a producer for the grass hopper or the fern and it is in the food chain so would you please tell me what a producer is

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