
Discuss The Characteristics Of A Good Research Hypothesis?


3 Answers

Hannah Barton Profile
Hannah Barton answered
A good research hypothesis should contain three main sections. These are;

  • identifying what the variables and relationships are of what you are experimenting.
  • making a prediction that you have backed up with information that is already tried, tested and in the public domain.
  • the statement. It should always have an 'if' and an explanation such as 'then'.
    The reason for having a hypothesis is to outline what you are planning on doing at the before you begin your research. This should contain your experiment in brief detail, the reason you have chosen the varying factors you have chosen and your suspected outcome.
You can quote similar studies so that you can back up your reasoning for thinking that your study may result in a certain way. Maybe a study has shown how a material will react in extreme heat and from the results of this different study think that it will react in a different way in severe cold temperature.

You should always state what you think will happen, this should always be done before any experiment is conducted. You should be aiming to prove your hypothesis is correct but it does not matter if you get it wrong and the results you thought you would get do not happen. Sometimes it can be a benefit to not be spot on with your hypothesis, this means that you will be able to go into more detail about disproving your hypothesis in your conclusion and may therefore have a more rounded conclusion to your study.

In exams and university work a hypothesis is graded with a high amount of marks so making sure that you explain exactly what you plan to do and the outcomes you expect in your hypothesis will help to increase your marks.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

It should have elucidating power.
It should strive to furnish an acceptable explanation or accounting of a fact.
It must be verifiable.
It must be formulated in simple, understandable terms.
It should corresponds with existing knowledge.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Discuss the characteristics of research

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