What Is The Difference Between Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Protozoa, Algae?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

The difference between bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa and algae are listed below. They all play a very important role in the decaying process.

Bacteria:  A bacteria is a single celled organism that is essential for all life. They are either a parasite or live independently. Bacteria have three basic shapes that include spiral, coccus and bacillus. Bacteria multiply themselves by cell division. Antibiotics can usually kill them. An example of bacteria is meningitis and pneumonia.

Fungi:   A fungus is a spore producing organism that has no chlorophyll and can live as single celled yeast or as a larger multi-cellular mould. It will reproduce by spores. It will live by absorbing certain nutrients from any organic matter. Fungi include moulds, mildews, mushrooms and yeasts. Fungi can cause disease in immune suppressed people, such as jock itch and ringworm. Penicillin is made from a fungus.

Viruses:   Viruses are microscopically small and are the simplest microbiological entity. A virus is not an independent living organism and needs a host cell to replicate. They are sub-microscopic parasitic particles of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) that are wrapped in protein. Viruses are immune to antibiotics and are spread in the air or by direct contact. They can lead to serious or sometimes deadly diseases, such as AIDS. 

Protozoa:  A protozoa is a single celled organism which is able to move and will feed on any organic compound of carbon and nitrogen, for example an amoeba. They can be parasites or live independently. They are usually found in water or soil. Protozoa have different shapes and will produce asexually. They can inhabit the human body as a parasite, for example in the large intestine.

Algae:    Algae are photosynthetic organisms of a group which live mostly in water. It includes the different seaweeds. Algae are different to plants because they have no true stems, roots or leaves. Algae also cause red tide, which can be fatal to fish and people eating contaminated shellfish. They will reproduce asexually.

Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
A Bateria is a unicellular microorganism. Bacteria are classified as Prokaryotes. A bacteria does not have a nucleus and often does not even contain organelles. They reproduce only asexually. A fungus on the other hand is a eukaryotic. It reproduces sexually as well as asexually. It is normally found as a single cell. A virus is a sub-microscopic agent that can grow or reproduce outside a host cell. It has a genetic material DNA or RNA in a protein coating called capsid. Virus does not have cell and on the other hand they have genes and evolve by natural selection. Protozoa on the other hand, is unicellular eukaryotes. They are microscopic in nature. They are hebirvores and play a rolemin decomposition chain as well. Algae is a plant like organism that can be unicellular as well as multicellular. They have a nucleus in a membrane and a chloroplast
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Bacteria are single celled living organisms that lack a nucleus.
Protozoa are also single celled with a nucleus.
Fungi reproduce through spores and have no chlorophyll (cannot use the sun to make food).
Viruses are non-living however they can reproduce by hijacking another living cell to multiply.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Like viruses, bacteria lack a nucleus while protozoa have a nucleus. Unlike bacteria, viruses and protozoa both do not have cell walls. Protozoa and bacteria both have nucleic acids in the form of DNA while viruses can have either DNA or RNA. Bacteria divide using either conjugation or binary fission (like protozoa) while viruses take over the host cell and their viral DNA gets replicated. They are all pathoges (cause diseases) and parasites too. However, only bacteria and protozoa are benefial to humans. Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotes, viruses aren't cells and protozoa are unicellular eukaryotes. Bacteria are cells, with no nucleus and no organelles. Protozoa are cells with nucleii and organelles. Viruses are not cells, but have a capsid containing the nucleic acids. Bacteria can be either eubacteria (they have peptodoglycans in their cell walls) or archaebacteria (do not have peptodoglycans in their cell walls). They can be grouped using a gram-stain test, or by comparing their cell metabolism. Viruses are grouped according to the shape that their capsids are. Protozoa are grouped by the way they locomote - using pseudopods, cilia, spores or flagella).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Between bacteria and fungi;-
     fungi   bacteria
- eukaryotic cell  type   -prokaryotic cell type
- pH-3.8-5.6   -6.5-7.5
-sterols present in   -sterols absent
cell membrane.  
- organic carbon source   -inorganic carbon sources.
- reproduce asexually   -reproduce sexually.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Virus are always bad. Bacteria can be good or bad
close eyes open them Profile
Bacteria are capable of living alone. Viruses are said to be alive only when inside a living cell.

Bacteria have cell organelles and show life activities. Virus are just
a core of DNA or RNA surrounded by a sheath of protein and can only
show reproduction while in a living cell.

Bacteria are intercellular organisms( they live in-between cells ).
Viruses are intracellular organisms ( they live within/inside cells )

There are many useful bacteria, that help in processes like
nitrification and lactification. Viruses on the other hand are always
disease causing. In fact, the term 'Virulesence', which is used for a
disease causing organism, is derived from the word Virus'
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Viruses are seen at 200000 times magnified, bacteria at 90000, and fungi at 1380...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Bacteria satisfy all the characteristics of KOCH'S POSTULATES but virus is the limitation of it.
As virus cannot be cultured as bacteria can.
Bacteria's having different shapes like coccus bacillos,spirrilium different to virus whic have complex structure as of icosahedral etc.
Bacteria carry sexual reproduction bt virus can't.
Bacteria have cell wall bt virus have capsid.
mona upreti
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Scientists have been attempting to develop a vaccine for HIV.  \because of the nature of HIV, this has been a challenge. Explain using scientific terms

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