
What Is A Simple Definition Of Physics?


18 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
Physics is defined as the science of nature. It studies the quantity of matter a body contains and interactions between matter and energy in a wide variety of contexts. In other words, physics is basically the study of how objects behave.

Physics does not take into consideration the bulk or volume of the matter. The scope of physics ranges from particle physics to cosmology. Particle physics studies the smallest particles of which all ordinary matter is made up (known as sub-nuclear particles).

Cosmology, on the other hand, is the one of widest subjects in the spectrum of physics, and it deals with the behaviour of the material universe in its entirety. Besides particle physics and cosmology, the gamut of physics studies a variety of other topics related to acoustics, atomic physics, cryogenics, electromagnetism, elementary particle physics, fluid dynamics, geophysics, mathematical physics, mechanics, molecular physics, nuclear physics, optics, plasma physics, quantum physics, solid state physics, statistical mechanics and thermodynamics.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Physics is a natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion, as well as all applicable concepts, such as energy and forces. More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand HOW the world and universe behave..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The science that studies with force, motion, energy and matter. (How things move)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Physics is that the branch of science which deals with the   of matter energy and their mutual relationship  properties
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The scientific studies related to the detection and comprehending the basic rules that control matter and energy is what physics is all about. Physics separated from its complement natural philosophy around two hundred years ago when it was established as a progressive study of science. All other usual sciences are affected by innovations in physics through the usage of its rules. Physics is generally referred to as the basic science as all other material sciences follow the rules of physics.

Physics is closely intertwined with mathematics. Mathematics provides the coherent structure that provides rationale to the rules of physics. It helps in accurate development and codifications of the rules of physics. However, physics differ from mathematics as physics finally relates it to the material sciences and analyses its postulates by experiments. Engineering and technology are also intensely related to physics.

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