What Are The 10 Organelles In A Cell?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Animal cell has 8 organelles like nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm, lysosomes, golgi apparatus, mitochondria, ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum.
Plant cell has 11 organelles like nucleus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, mitochondria, Endosomes, lysosomes, Peroxisomes, cytoskeleton (further divided in to three parts), Chloroplasts and Vacuoles.
Rosh Profile
Rosh answered
Depends if your talking about a plant cell or a animal cell. However both cells have these common organelles listed below.

Cell membrane- phospholipid bilayer which contains protiens and other molecules, forms a barrier, lets in and out molecules in the processes of Endocytosis and Exocytosis.
Nuclues- this is the control centre of cell, contains DNA, controls production of proteins.

Animal cells contain:
All of the above, and plus.
Centrioles- hollow cylinders made of 9 protein microtubles. Involved in formation of sindle during cell division and also in transportation within cell.
Mitochondrion- Two membranes folded in to finger like projections called Cristae.This is the site of later stages of aerobic respiration
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)- interconnected membrane-bound flattened sacs, ribosomes are attached outside, thus its called rough. Proteins are made by these ribosomes and are transported through ER to other parts of cell.
Ribosomes- made of RNA, small organelles found free in cytoplasm or attached to ER, they are the place of protein production.
Lysozome- sacs containing digestive enzymes. Function is to break down unwanted structures in cell, and destruction of old cells.
Golgi Apparatus- flattened membrane bound sacs formed by fusion of vesicles from ER. Function is to modify proteins and package them into vesicles.
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum- Same as rough ER, but does not have attached ribosomes thus called 'smooth'. Makes lipids and steroids

Hope that answered your question

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