What Is The Importance Of Biochemistry?


9 Answers

Samantha Mitchell Profile
In modern science and society, biochemistry is absolutely essential. The study is defined as the chemistry of living things, whether they’re human or not. It is the study of how things work within the body and what happens to chemicals to perform the basic processes of all living bodies on the planet.

Chemical processes are always taking place within the body, and biochemistry looks at how these happen, and why these happen. If the study is taken into a more broad view, then it also studies the chemistry relating to living cells. The study of this kind of science plays a huge role in medicine as well as technology, as we will being to learn even more about the impact that drugs have on the body, and the different reactions that occur in different living cells. This, in turn, influences the biochemistry in the body.

In the field of biochemistry, the chemical properties of different kinds of cells and biological molecules, that have a huge role in the body, are studied in relation to other things. These incredibly important cells in the body are studied along side the enzyme-catalysed reactions in the body. It’s a complicated study and indeed a specialised one, and without the work performed in this area of study, nobody would be bale to continue progressing in the field of helping people life more healthily, and longer.

Science would come to a stand still without even more study, as diseased could not be properly looked at, the effect of every day life on the body could not be studied, and the bodies will to some extent remain a mystery for the rest of the lifetime of humankind. It’s important the biochemistry continues so that we can continue to find out how the body works, and maybe even one day become successful in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Biochemistry helps to make the development of drugs possible because theories based on these drugs derive specifically from the study of chemicals produced by the body that affect mood. Biochemistry work in hormones, enzymes, proteins and cell interaction all enhance understanding of what type of chemicals might be needed to correct imbalances, without adversely affecting the other chemicals produced in the body. Thus pharmaceutical research and development remains an extremely important field for biochemistry.
amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
Biochemistry is very important in the modern world because it deals with the study of the chemical processes which are taking place in living organisms. It also deals with the study of structure of the cellular components and their functions like proteins, lipids etc. Biochemistry plays an important role in determining the ancestors and descendants on the basis of same biochemistry. It is also important to bring innovations in medical sciences because it deals with the chemistry of the internal processes inside human body. Biochemistry is also important because it deals with the study of plant and helps to understand the process of photosynthesis and other processes. This means that for understanding the chemistry of living organisms Biochemistry is the most important and interesting area of study.
Katie Harry Profile
Katie Harry answered
Biochemistry is defined as the chemistry of living beings. It studies the chemical processes that take place in living organisms. If taken into broader view it is the chemistry related to living cells. Biochemistry plays an important role in the field of medicine as we know that drugs impact and have different reactions on cell and this in turn influences the biochemistry.

In Biochemistry the chemical properties of different and important biological molecules which takes into account like proteins is studied in particular with the chemistry of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Scopes of biochemistry
Katie Harry Profile
Katie Harry answered
Basically, Biochemistry is a science that studies the structure and organization of the molecules in the organisms along with the function of each of these molecules. The role played by biochemistry in the modern medical world is a very significant one.

During drug design, molecular therapies are carried out and biochemistry helps in these therapies and studying the reactions. In Genetics, biochemistry has contributed towards much advancement. It plays an important role in studying the structure of the DNA molecules.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Biochemistry is basic to biology. The spectacular advancements made by scientists in last four decades is the result of works of biochemists in different areas. Manipulation of DNA and cloning, protein engineering are made possible by biochemists.

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