How Does Global Warming Occur?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Global warming takes place due to increase in earth temperature.The increase in earth temperature is due to man made causes like cutting of trees,excessive use of fossil fuels,less use of public transport system and so and so.In short, man is responsible for global warming.Due to increase in the earth temperature green house gases get trap in the earth atmosphere and are not able to leave the earth surface.This in turn results to the increasing atmosphere of the earth. Green house gases remain trap in the earth atmosphere due to excessive use of fossil fuels and cutting of trees.its often said,
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The excessive outlet of carbon di oxide gas into the atmosphere is the main cause.This carbon di oxide on reaching the atmosphere traps the sun's heat and sends the heat back to the earth's surface. This heat naturally increases the temperature of the earth and finally causes global warming.
Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
The current politically correct story is that greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap more heat than escapes from Earth, thus raising the temperature. The implication is that activities of humans are to blame and very expensive laws and remedial procedures are required.

The truth is that galactic cosmic rays are on the decrease, thus making fewer low clouds. Those clouds are very reflective of sunlight, so when there are fewer of them, less sunlight is reflected back into space and Earth heats up. This means there is nothing we can (or should) do about it, and all the political and regulatory posturing is fundamentally pointless. (Reference: The Chilling Stars)

thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Not true we can and should be doing more about the amount of carbon we produce.thus we can do something about the less low clouds being formed
Oddman commented
I really don't like to breathe SUV exhaust, but that is not what is causing global warming. Nor will any manner of regulation affect low cloud formation to a substantial degree. Most of the clouds affecting climate are found over oceans, formed on nuclei created by cosmic ray action on the sulfur compounds released by sea life. Humans have a measurable effect over land, but there's a lot more water surface than there is land surface.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Global warming takes place when the earth’s temperature gets too hot; this is because there is too much methane or carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It occurs because stupid people are using their cars excessively  like just for going down the road!!!!! This is going to ruin young kids lives when their older!!!!!! STOP NOW!!!!
John Profile
John answered
According to one study done by the government jokes aside .....big herds of cows with gas  have been contributing to the destruction of the ozone  layer of the atmosphere by letting methane gas escape from their bodies....but if this is the case then the ozone layer has been eroding since the beginning of time contributed to by all of us......this is only one theory the government  spent millions of dollars on to tell us we need get rid of all animal life to end the attack of methane gas on the earths ozone layer of the atmosphere...what a way to be told what we already know everyone passes gas....pure genius.... I would say personally that it is man made chemical residue and vapors from industrial production.....and waste disposal......and according to scientists once the world damages the ozone to a certain point it will not protect the earth anymore as it was designed to...
thanked the writer.
Oddman commented
Ozone thins every winter over the poles, more so over the south pole, due to the lack of sunlight in those months. No connection between chlorofluorocarbons or other industrial gases in the lower atmosphere and the concentration of ozone in the atmosphere's upper reaches has ever been demonstrated. Nor has any mechanism been proposed for the atmospheric mixing required.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Aliens are slowly detroying our atmosphere so the future generations suffer more and more until makind is eliminated.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It occurs because Russia, america etc countries has big factories of iron melt.
This occurs global plz stop doing.

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