
What Is The Dna Unused Dna Code For Helix Dragoi-nod On Bakugan Dimensions?


2 Answers

Rosie Normanton Profile
Rosie Normanton answered
Tens of websites return search results claiming to reveal the unused DNA code, but the unfortunate truth is that it's almost impossible to obtain the exact code.

Helix Draganoid is partners with Dan and is embedded with the DNA code of the Ancient Bakugans. He is one of the greatest strategists when in battle and has a protective shield around its entire side of the battlefield. It can also lay waste to its enemy through giant flames which come from its mouth and nostrils. Helix Draganoids battle gear is Jetkor.

It first appears when Drago decides to bring the Bakugan Termination System into the atmosphere of New Vestroia. Here Helix Draganoid battles and beats Helios MK2 and Twin Destructor.

Drago owes his own Jetker due to Helix Draganoid’s help to fight Fabros and the Alternative weapon. Together with, Master Ingram, Ancient Nemus and Midnight Percival, they beat Clawsaurus, Snapzoid, Lumitroid and Farakspin and finally destroy the Alternative weapon. 

Dragon Helix can combine with a huge selection of battle gear. He has a metal cylinder inside his back which activates most battle gear, though in order to do this you’ve to pull the wings back.

Its pyrus version comes in six different types: Crimson, Pearl, Ventus  BakuCamo. Subterra and Clear.
Here is a list of Helix Draganoid’s ability cards:

Dragon Hummer
Firim Tornado.
Galactic Dragon.
Helix Shield
Burning Reflector.
Spinning Wall.
Dragon Phalanx.
Strike Tornado.
Power Glazer
Dragon Impulse (Dragon Surge)
Helix Draganoid has appeared in 12 episodes though there is no single unused DNA code supplied by any website for him.

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