
How And Why Does Iron Rust?


7 Answers

Evelyn Vaz Profile
Evelyn Vaz answered
Iron rust when it makes contact with oxygen and water. It is generally formed when iron reacts with oxygen of the air along with the presence of moisture, which in turn forms a brown substance known as iron oxide. It is a slow chemical reaction which takes place over a period of time.

You can prevent rust with the help of the common methods like painting, greasing, electroplating and galvanizing.

Iron rust is a chemical compound that differs from iron itself. In large towns and cities iron sheets are generally used for roofing houses and these sheets have to be protected from rust or else it will decay. Rusting is a chemical procedure that, can take place in metals uncovered to the environment. Not all metals however rust. It is common with the metal, iron.
d ds Profile
d ds answered
Rust are the oxides formed by the reaction of iron and oxygen. Iron rusts when it is in contact with oxygen and water or an acid. Normally iron does not rust only in the presence of water or just oxygen; it has to be a combination of both. It results in the formation of Iron (III) oxides that do not protect the iron and instead just flakes off revealing the inner layers of fresh iron. The process continues till all of the iron is consumed. The rusting process is an electrochemical process where the electrons from iron are transferred to the oxygen. This dissociates oxygen and results in the formation of hydroxide ions.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Iron rusts when it comes into contact with liquid or oxygen
Oliver Wilson Profile
Oliver Wilson answered
When iron comes in contact with oxygen and water,(or air moisture) it starts to rust over a period of time
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because when the iron comes incontact with oxygen or liquid it has to be 100 percent to rust
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some people stick up rusted nails up you no where and get diseases

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