
How Many Regions Does Austria Have?


1 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
There are nine regions in Austria. These regions are collectively known in German, the official language of Austria, as Bundesland. They are Burgenland, Carinthia (locally spelt as Karnten), Lower Austria (or Niederosterreich), Upper Austria (or Oberosterreich), Salzburg, Styria (Steiermark), Tyrol (or Tirol), Vorarlberg and Vienna (or Wien). Vienna, or Wien as it is known in German, is the capital of Austria. It is also the capital of Austria. It is the largest of the Bundeslands (translated as political divisions in German). The capital of Vienna is Vienna. It has a population of 1, 651, 437.

The remaining eight Bundeslands in the descending order of population and rank are Lower Austria (also known as Niederosterreich, capital: St. Polten, population: 1, 545, 804), Upper Austria (also known as Oberosterreich, capital: Linz, population: 1, 376, 797), Styria (also known as Steiermark, capital: Graz, population: 1, 183, 303), Tyrol (also known as Tirol, capital: Innsbruck, population: 673, 504), Carinthia (also known as Karnten, capital: Klagenfurt, population: 559, 404), Salzburg (capital: Salzburg, population: 515, 327), Vorarlberg (capital: Bregenz, population: 372, 791) and Burgenland (capital: Eisenstadt, population: 277, 569).

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