Why Do Prokaryotic Cells Not Require Membrane Bounded Organelles?


1 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
Prokaryotic cells are defined as those cells which do not have a membrane-bound nucleus. The cells do not have a membrane-bound nucleus are known in the simplest terms as prokaryotes. This word is derived from the Greek meaning before the word nuclei. These cells have few internal structures. These are distinguishable under a microscope. Cells in the monera kingdom, such as bacteria and cyanobacteria (which is also known as blue-green algae) are examples of prokaryotes or prokaryotic cells.

Prokaryotic cells differ from eukaryotic cells in the sense that their nuclei are not bound by membranes. Prokaryotes do not have a chromosomal DNA. Their genetic information is, instead, in a circular loop called a plasmid. Prokaryotic cells feature three major shapes, namely rod-shaped, spherical and spiral shapes. They divide by the process of binary fission instead of undergoing elaborate processes of replication like eukaryotes. Prokaryotic cells are excellent agents in the processes of fermentation, decomposition and metabolism.

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