What is grace and how does it work in getting me into heaven?


4 Answers

Lee Goodall Profile
Lee Goodall answered
Put it like this    G...Gods,    R...reward,    A...at,    C...Christs,    E...Expence
ross apangalook Profile
ross apangalook answered
Grace is God's mercy, His patience, and his forgiveness. And He said it is sufficient enough for u to reach heaven, meaning that if you accept Jesus as your saviour, your sins that u have committed, and the possible sins that u might commit r forgiven! They will not be held against u. And His grace is sufficient for u to fulfill His will. And remember, His grace is free, not by our actions lest we boast!
Ray Ottewell Profile
Ray Ottewell answered
Saying grace is something you do at meal time, and is for telling God, that you are grateful to him for the food you eat.That alone will not get you into heaven, read the Bible to find out, what the whole package is. Thats if you believe there is a God, and a heaven to go to.
Maddie Profile
Maddie answered
Exactly what Ross Apangalook said...I could not have said it better than that. We go through the Pearly Gates by God's Grace and our faith in Him, with Jesus in our hearts and a Christianly lifestyle.

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