
How do vacuoles and plant cells help keep the plant upright?


2 Answers

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

If I remember correctly from biology class all those years ago, plant cells contain rigid cell walls that give plants their structure.

Animal cells don't have cell walls, so we rely on handy structures like our skeleton to keep us upright.

The vacuole also absorbs water and moisture within a plant, keeping the pressure up, and maintaining the plant's rigidity. When a vacuole stops absorbing water, the plant goes limp.

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

In mature plant cells the vacuole takes up most of the cell and is contributory to turgor pressure from the inwards out and against the cell wall to maintain greater rigidity. Plant cells are generally in a hypotonic condition and young plant cells depend on this fully to maintain turgor pressure.

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