
Do all scientists believe in evolution? If not, why not?


3 Answers

CalTex - Doug Morgan Profile

There are scientists who are not in a field of science closely associated with the biologic sciences, so they, like all of us, are free to accept or reject evolutionary evidence based on biases.  However, since the entire field of biology is now has evolution as its foundation, biologic scientists who rejects evolution are far and few between.  

But being a scientist in a field of study does not necessarily make that scientist infallible.  For instance, there is the biochemist Michael Behe who has refuted evolutionary theory by famously putting forward his argument for "irreducible complexity" which has been shown on a number of occasions to be wrong.

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

There are no scientists that " believe in " evolution but the majority of scientist of all fields accept the fact of evolution and the theory of evolution by natural selection in overwhelming numbers. Somewhat North of 90% of all scientists.

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John McCann
John McCann commented
@ CalTex - Doug Morgan

You're welcome.
CalTex - Doug Morgan
@Jewels: We have changed the definition of marriage over the years: one CANNOT marry more than one person, one CAN marry outside their faith, one CANNOT marry a child, one CAN marry outside ones race, and one CAN marry the same gender. Does that mean that marriage is wrong because the definition keeps getting changed/refined/clarified?
Ty Hibb
Ty Hibb commented
What happened to the other 10%? They had those same odds when they thought the world was flat.
Sheldon  Cooper Profile
Sheldon Cooper answered

Don't think ALL DO ,

ALL SHOULD , but there has to be a few who believe " a god started evolution.....

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