What makes acceleration feel SO GOOD? what I do know is that it can't be self preservation!


2 Answers

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

Because you have a need ... A need for speed


Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Actually, the answer is EXACTLY self-preservation!

When you rev up that engine and accelerate, or feel the g-force of a rollercoaster dip...your brain (or more specifically your adrenal medulla) is flooding your system with hormones and chemicals because it thinks you're in danger - even though you know you're not.

Hormones and chemicals are released into your brain naturally whenever your body feels a perceived threat, with the biological reasoning being that it helps you either flee or fight when in danger.

Your muscles respond faster, your senses are heightened and more alert, and your heart beats faster to power all of that.

Basically, your body is sensing danger, so is "amping your body up", but your mind knows that you're in control so that removes most of  the negative psychological experience - leaving just the thrill or rush.

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Yo Kass
Yo Kass commented
I would also add that these chemicals that are triggered from being in dangerous systems can feel just like a drug... which is where the term "speed junkie" comes from.

People who enjoy the thrill of being in dangerous situations can effectively become addicted to that rush, just like a drug.
SuperFly Original
Thank you for the great answer. Interesting enough, my Grandfather jumped out of a plane over 1500 times and his final jump he got tangled with another skydiver and they both died. I can understand how that might be an addiction! the statistics are so low for the death rate which is what boggles my mind, never thought that would happen. Maybe early on when you're new... I love roller-coasters, but I rarely ride them.

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