Why does it pay to be honest?


8 Answers

Pepper pot Profile
Pepper pot answered

Honesty often uncovers the liars. My mother use to say to me "Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive," (a Sir Walter Scott quote).  Lying actually takes a lot of effort.

Liars are often sharks, they may make their way in this world taking advantage of the honest Joe, but they never know the meaning of true friendship because they cannot trust be trusted. I choose honesty because I like to sit right with myself and build bonds with others. 

What makes my life are the people in it.

otis otiscambell Profile

I use to be a auto mech I could never be a car salesmen I was offered a job doing it.  I can lie but flat out stealing I cannot do

kayla byers Profile
kayla byers answered

It will help you in the log run especially with your parents they will able to trust you as you get older and let you do more stuff then others.

AnnNettie Paradise Profile

Our being honest makes life more pleasant for those around us. It even helps them to be honest. After surveying employees in big department stores, the magazine Psychology Today once said: “If employees think top management is behaving honestly, they will probably think they are expected to behave honestly . . . But if the employees perceive (correctly or incorrectly) that top management is dishonest, they will be more inclined to justify and excuse their own dishonesty.” Most of us are not as influential as top management. But we all have some influence on those around us. And if we act honestly, that influence is good. However, the best reason for being honest is that the Bible tells us that God "cannot lie". (Titus 1:2)  Yes, Jehovah God is honest, and he expects us to be honest too.

Shabouchy Aqua Profile
Shabouchy Aqua answered

Having a reputation for being honest is of great value. When a person is known for being honest they're often rewarded with the trust and respect of others. In addition to that, you will have a clean conscience. You'll be free of the nagging feeling of wondering if your dishonesty would ever be discovered. More importantly, being honest doesn't go unnoticed by Jehovah God. He loves honest people as Proverbs 15:1,2 shows "O Jehovah, who may be a guest in your tent? .....The one who is walking faultlessly, Practicing what is right And speaking the truth in his heart." Really, what higher reward could a person have than to have friendship with Almighty, Jehovah God.

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