
How to make the perfect body?


10 Answers

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

Easy, simply look in the mirror and fall in love.

Eat well, be active and exercise doing those thing you truly enjoy (Hike, ride a bike, go for walks, lift weights, or dance), and be accepting of WHO you are regardless of what those around consider "Perfect".

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

There's no such thing as the "perfect body" everyone's idea of the perfect body is different.....some like curvy, some like skinny, some like muscular, some like tall, some like who's to say what's "perfect"...

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

By eating and exercising properly and stay away from junk food. You may not get the "perfect" body but you won't look like this.

Cookie Roma Profile
Cookie Roma answered

While eating properly and getting good regular exercise can help, the best thing you can do is to divest yourself of the idea of perfection. 

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

No one's body is "perfect". We are all off somehow. That is a good thing, and that is what makes us unique. You can be the best you for your body. You eat a well balanced, well portioned diet. You get plenty of exercise and rest. And follow pursuits that you enjoy.

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

Try to see yourself through the eyes of someone who loves you.  I think that's the only place a truly "perfect body" exists.

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

Prefect doesn't exist.

You only can have suit body/physical shape according to your own body type/metabolism/mechanism/ and DNA.

What can help you to achieve that is good nutrition and staying away from certain junk foods and proper exercise and yet both of these subjects must be done according to your own metabolism. Except what counts as general "good or bad". In example of what I mean, Fast food is awful to anyone regardless of any condition.

Expectations of a prefect body is just being unrealistic. Everything depends on our own system.

This is my body type, however i work out more whether with or without hormones. I can never get those fit arms as you can see some tiny lines between the muscles and arteries would appear within the arm. But i get built-buffy muscles like this. It's just my physical nature. And nothing I can do! So there's no such label as perfect! We all have different systems.

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