
What Is The Difference Between Positive And Negative Feedback In Biology?


2 Answers

lakeesha Hennessy Williams Profile
In biology, feedback is the way a person's body reacts to changes or triggers that affect it.

We often talk about this type of feedback in terms of it being either 'negative' or 'positive'.

What is negative and positive feedback?
When a change happens to your body, your system can choose to take one of two steps:

  • It can feed back positively on the event, encouraging it to continue.
  • Or it can relay negative feedback, in an attempt to balance out or counteract the event in question.
Here are a couple of examples:

When a woman is about to give birth, anatomical changes occur to allow the safe passage of the baby across the birth canal and out through the vagina.

The body reacts with positive feedback to these changes, allowing them to happen until the baby is born.

Negative feedback can be seen when the body tries to resist or counteract an event. For example, someone who suffers from high blood pressure will experience dilation of the blood vessels and an increase in heart rate.

This is the body's attempt to feed back negatively in regard to the high blood pressure.
John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

In a biochemical pathway, for example a series of enzymes aiding the biochemical pathway's reactions, the positive feed back loop is when one of the products of this reaction builds up and interacts with a first in live enzyme and speeds up the whole process by making more product. Adrenaline release is an example of this.

Negative feed back is when the product of the pathway inhibits a first line enzyme in the pathway when enough product has been built up. Negative feedback is the most common biochemical type of feedback.

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