When Were Clocks And Watches Invented?


6 Answers

Patricia Devereux Profile
The first way people became aware of measuring time was by observing how an object 's shadow moves as the day progresses. Twenty-seven centuries ago, the Egyptians applied this principle by developing the sundial.
The next invention was the early Greeks' clepsydra, or water clock, a jar from which water dripped at a steady and measurable rate. In 140 BC, an Aexandrian inventor added a cog wheel and toothed rod to the clepsydra.
Very early on, the concept of an hourglass, in which sand essentially replaced dripping water, was formulated.
The modern clock with a face and moving hands was developed in the 13th to 14th centuries. Such a clock was affixed to Westminster Abbey in 1208, and about that time to Canterbury Cathedral as well. In 1326, a clock with astronomical devices was installed at St. Albans Cathedral.
Pocket -sized clocks -- or watches -- were developed in the early 16the century. By Elizabeth I's time, all wealthy people carried watches as a fashion statement.
Rajesh Shri Profile
Rajesh Shri answered
The word clock or in short watch is used to define a machine or electronic device that measure time. In ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt sundials, sandglasses and candle clocks were used to measure time. It is not exactly known when the first mechanical clock was invented. The mechanical clocks that existed in the beginning were weight driven and were probably used to keep time in monasteries.
Some authorities claim that the first weight-driven clock was invented by Pacificus, archdeacon of Verona in the 9th cent. The credit for invention of the mechanical clock goes to Gerbert (c 996), who was a well educated monk and later became Pope Sylvester II.
The first clock to which struck a bell at the hour was first installed at London in St. Paul's Cathedral in 1286. Probably the clock which resembles today's watch most was first made by clockmaker Henry de Vick of Württemburg for the tower at the palace of Charles V of France.

Christiaan Huygens, a Dutch scientist is credited with making the first pendulum clock in 1656-1657.

The first wrist watch is supposed to be invented by Peter Heinlein in Nuremberg, Germany in 1504. The first person reported to be wearing a wrist watch is Blaise Pascal who was a French mathematician and philosopher and he attached it to his coat by a string.

In 1927, Warren Morrison, while working in Bell Telephone Laboratories, developed a very large, highly accurate clock based on the regular vibrations of a quartz crystal in an electrical circuit. Hence was invented the quartz clock.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In the 1800s
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In 1504

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