
How Big Should A Gerbil Cage Be?


3 Answers

Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
Remember that the more space you provide and animal with, the better it is for them. When animals are confined to tiny places their environment should be kept clean as well in order to avoid disease. A gerbil enclosure should be big enough to allow it to stand freely within its cage on its hind legs. Each adult should be allotted about thirty six square inches.

Since they are confined in an artificial environment they should be provided with bedding in the form of pelleted cellulose, wood chips and other such material. This material should cover about two inches of the bottom half of the cage and cedar and pine chips should not be used at any cost as they are toxic. This layer of wood chips allows the animal to burrow. Ideal temperature is fifteen to twenty six and a half degrees Celsius.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A gerbils cage should be big enough for the animal to stand on its rear legs and still have a couple of inches.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It should be at least big enough for the gerbil to stand on it's hind legs, but also it should have some room to run around

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