
How Do Animals Adapt To Tropical Rainforests?


12 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They use their special features such as the hands and tails to swing, climb and pick things up.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They have a long strong tail so that they can swing from tree to tree and get their food quicker
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are many ways in which an animal can adapt to live in the Tropical Rainforest, one of them being camouflage. Some insects and animals camouflage themselves. There is one species of Butterfly that can camouflage to look like a leaf and then there is a very well known species of insect called the stick insect which as the name suggests camouflages itself to look like a stick. This helps them to stay away from predators that might be hungry for something to eat. If they can stay still and camouflaged for as long as possible, they would have tricked any predator that was around.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Plants adapt to the climate by fern plants stay in the shade on the forest floor and all the tall trees in the canopy layer attract the heat which spreads down to the roots to feed the forest floor habitats.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Spider monkeys adapt to the rainforest by growing fur and having a streamlined body. They have long arms and legs so they can swing from vine to vine.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They sometimes use camouflage
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Adapt cause they eat thier poo to live they eat other the animals to live and they drink dirty water to live so they eat wharever they want and they can drink whatevr they want

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