Is It True That When You Lose One Of Your Senses, One Of The Other Senses Becomes Sharper?


2 Answers

Josh Bailey Profile
Josh Bailey answered
It can happen is some cases, such as if you lose your sense of sight your hearing can improve, and if you lose hearing, it is possible (but less likely) that your sight can be improved, the latter of the 2 is not as popular, whereas the former is highly documented.
However, it is not always the case, infact it can be quite the opposite. If you lose you sense of smell, you will usually lose you sense of taste, and if somehow you lost all sense of feeling, then chances are you have either broken your neck or have 100% burns, and these do not improve any other senses, and can lead to death.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
All of the other senses kick in. It's a natural instinct; when you lose one of your body's senses, then it learns how to compensate for its loss.

If you want to actually try it out for yourself, try to clog your ears up for 2 days, and see what you do. Take notice of what you do to compensate for the loss; do you try to read lips? Do you try to listen harder? Plug up your nose, for a day or two. See what happens. Do you pay more attention to the flavour of your food? Does air pressure affect anything? Good luck in learning!

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