What Are The Advantages Of Swing Over AWT?


1 Answers

Preethika Pinto Profile
Preethika Pinto answered
Swing is technologically more advanced than AWT. It has much more features and functions. It has a richer set of components which can modify and change according to the library. It uses MVC which is Model View Controller Paradigm thus offering a more flexible GUI. Swing also has a built in double Buffering and at the same time is lightweight. It is also one hundred percent java based. And therefore provides icons, and also decorative and attractive borders for components and tool tips.

The only flaw is that not all swing might act like native component. Swing is required to create a Java program. This tool kit is highly complex with its customizable text package and its integrated accessibility support. Since swing is built on a 2D package it can easily enhance all animations and images. And its undo framework thus supporting innumerable editing. Thus swing definitely beats AWT in all ways.

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