
What Are The Practical Applications Of Bernoulli's Principle?


9 Answers

David Hinners Profile
David Hinners answered
Bernoulli's Principle says that the pressure of a fluid decreases as its speed increases. There are many practical applications that are in use every day. For example, an air plane relies on Bernoulli's Principle to generate lift on its wings. The curve of the wing makes the air move faster, reducing its pressure. Another common application is the carburettor. The air moving through the throat "pulls" fuel into the air stream due to its reduced pressure. (Though most modern cars use fuel injectors which operate differently.)
Rajesh Shri Profile
Rajesh Shri answered
  Daniel Bernoulli was a Dutch mathematician, who spent much of his life in the beautiful Switzerland. He worked closely with Leonhard Euler on special equations that are known and applied even today by their names. Bernoulli's principle is put to critical use in the sphere of aerodynamics and the applications based on steady and incompressible flow that operates along a set and defined streamline.

  Bernoulli's principle explains the relationship between the velocity and the pressure exerted by a moving liquid. It is explained as: the velocity of a fluid increases as the pressure exerted by that fluid decreases. In the modern world of technological advancement, airplanes get a part of their 'lift' by taking the methodical application of Bernoulli's principle. Race cars employ the velocity and pressure dynamics specified by Bernoulli's principle to keep their rear wheels on the ground, even while zooming off at high speeds.

  The Continuity Equation, which is an add-on to the principle relates the speed of a fluid moving through a given pipe, to the cross sectional area of the pipe. It specifies that as the radius of the pipe decreases, the speed of the flow of the fluid increases and visa-versa. The natural phenomenon described by Bernoulli's principle has many practical applications today. It is successfully employed in mechanisms like the carburetor and the atomizer. However, in these applications the air within is the moving fluid, while in the aspirator, the water is the moving fluid.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The principle in the spray bottles
the principle in watering the plants in the garden
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Explain the application of Bernoulli's theorem in the atomizer
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is applied in the wings of a plane .. The uplift of the plane can be explained by Bernoulli's Principle
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

It is employed in the carburetor and the atomizer, in which air is the
moving fluid, and in the aspirator, in which water is the moving fluid.

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