
What Are Emotional Barriers In Communication?


5 Answers

Katie Harry Profile
Katie Harry answered
Emotional Barriers are the major category of barriers that may make effective communication difficult. These barriers are basically characterizes by suspicion, mistrust and fear. While a little amount of fear and lack of trust might be necessary, excess of these things is not good and prevents one from doing a lot of things including difficulty in communicating effectively.

The other barriers to communication include Physical barriers, Perceptual barriers, Cultural barriers, Language barriers, interpersonal barriers and Gender barriers.  

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Having fear can have an impact, as this would have an impact how a person communicates with their GP. For example if a person is scared about their symptoms to be a bigger illness, they might avoid telling the GP all their symptoms, just so they are able to escape from what the illness might be, this would lead to them not getting the best possible treatment that they are in need of.
Another type of emotion that can support or inhibit communication between people is self esteem. Different people have different levels of self esteem, some have high self esteem, and some have weaker, this would affect the way that they are able to express themselves to others whilst communicating. For example a patient who have low self esteem, might be shy or not feel good about the way in which they look, this would make them not communicate all their health problems to their GP, this would lead to them not getting the best treatment that they are in need of. A patient with a high self esteem would however, be much more confident, this would mean that they will be able to communicate all their health problems to receive the right treatment that they are in need of.
Trust can also have an impact on have effective communication is between people. Trust is built while communicating with people, is can either support communication or can inhibit it. For example in GP surgery, if the patient is able to trust the GP doctor, they will be able to communicate, what they are suffering from, whereas, if a person doesn’t trust that the GP doctor will give them a good treatment, they won’t communicate properly, this would lead to  a patient getting a good/bad, right/wrong treatment, according to what they communicated their health problems to be.

This would be the same for Respect and Kindness with different examples.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Very angry or very happy people may misinterpret communication from others. Aggression, distress or inappropriate behaviour may lead to misunderstanding.
Nouman Umar Profile
Nouman Umar answered
Communication barriers are considered as the hurdles in the way of free and smooth communication. These barriers are those which make the message doubtful for the reader to understand it and they get confuse to interpret the meaning for which the message is sent to them. There are many types of barriers in the communication like the psychological and physical barriers. In emotional barrier there might be possibility that when you receive any message you are emotionally blocked and cannot interpret the meaning of any specific message because you are emotionally blocked at that time. So this problem can occur with both sides with receiver and sender also.

When any person is mentally blocked it may be happened due to some internal factors like he may have some fear, some worries or have to do some urgent works by which the major attention is not on the message. In his mind there are many things rotating other than the message in his/her mind. So he cannot interrupt the things accordingly. Sometime you get emotional when you are dealing with the any subject that is against your interests or feelings. An emotional factor plays an important role in the communication of message.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Emotional barriers are those which affect people the most especially those with problems.

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