
What Do Our Tonsils Do?


10 Answers

Amman Aamir Profile
Amman Aamir answered
Most people think we just have two tonsils, located on either side of the throat just behind the tongue. But this isn't true. There are several pairs of tonsils of different sizes. Tonsils are small bundles of a special kind of tissue called "lymphoid".Because of their location in the throat, they have a special job. They are the first line of defense against infections entering through the nose and mouth.

The largest pair near the palate are "the palatine" tonsils. High in the back of the throat are some smaller ones. These are called "the adenoids". Other small tonsils are found just below the surface in the back of the tongue, and there are still others in the back of the pharynx.

The tonsils are covered by the same smooth membrane that lines the mouth. In the tonsils, this membrane dips down to form deep, thin pockets called "crypts". The crypts trap germs and other harmful material from the mouth. The white blood cells surround the germs and help to destroy them. So fighting infection is the normal work of the tonsils.
Sometimes germs become active inside the tissue of the tonsils, and this may cause inflammation of the whole tonsil. This inflammation is called "tonsillitis". One or usually both palatine tonsils become enlarged red, and sore. The crypts are swollen and sometimes discharge thick pus.

This is acute tonsillitis. It is an infection that happens suddenly and usually goes away in four or five days. Acute tonsillitis develops more often in childhood than in infancy or adulthood. It also happens more often during the winter months, when colds are common.
Steve Theunissen Profile
The tonsils are now recognized as defending the body against infections that would otherwise invade it. They are composed of lymphoid tissue, which forms the white blood cells called lymphocytes, the cells that attack germs in the body. That harm can result from their unnecessary removal is becoming more and more evident. Thus it has been found that there is a much higher ratio of multiple sclerosis in persons who had their tonsils removed than among those of their relatives who did not have their tonsils removed.

Also it has been observed that, among children who have had their tonsils removed, there is a higher proportion of polio than among children who were not deprived of their tonsils. Reporting on this matter in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (1955), Dr. R. S. Paffenbarger, Jr., stated that his research "leads us to believe that susceptibility to polio is enhanced by tonsillectomy per se." And writing in the American Journal of Hygiene, September 1959, he gave further reasons why cutting out the tonsils predisposes children to polio-virus invasions. Supporting his position, The Merck Manual states that "recent evidence indicates that patients who have had tonsillectomy are more apt to develop bulbar poliomyelitis than patients who have not undergone such surgery."
High Sea Air Profile
High Sea Air answered
Tonsils  are  known  to stop  bacterial  and colds , viruses  in  people
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tonsil's help fight infections that enter our mouths and are a veru good efficient part of our working body
tina whitney Profile
tina whitney answered
My son was always getting strep, he got it at least 8 times a year and his doctor told me if things don't change that they would most likely remove his tonsils he also said that he would perfer not to beacuse tonsils help fight infection, my son did grow out of that and he still has his tonsils.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tonsils fight the infections that enter the mouth, they are very important.

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