The possibilities are endless, there are dozens of good slogans promoting saving the earth; here are a few ideas on how to find inspiration.
Your question describes our planet as ‘mother’ earth so how about using that:
Be good to your mother
Mother knows best
There are also buzz words for saving the planet such as ‘green’ so how about these:
Earth, keep the machine green
Paint the town green
Slogans that rhyme are always catchy too.
There’s a few words in this sentence but the rhyme makes it easy to remember:
What sobriety conceals, alcohol reveals
Some of the biggest corporations in the world use slogans and these show, they don’t have to rhyme to be effective:
I’m Lovin’ It (McDonalds)
Diet Coke Break (Diet Coke)
Eat Fresh (Subway)
It’s The Taste (PG Tips)
What these show is that you need to keep slogans punchy. If you can say it in three words then it will work. Of course, these organisations back up their ideas with multi-million dollar advertising campaigns. The Subway example doesn’t work unless we associate it with their logo.
If you’re not planning a big advertising spend, you had better make sure the slogan isn’t too abstract.
The best thing to do is get a piece of blank paper and a pen and brain storm. Don’t worry if things sounds good or bad as you write them down, just put it all on paper while it's in your mind. Once you have filled the page with ideas, put the pen down and read them all out loud. You can cross off the rubbish ones and then read them to friends. Eventually, you will be left with the best one or the process will lead you to more ideas.
Your question describes our planet as ‘mother’ earth so how about using that:
Be good to your mother
Mother knows best
There are also buzz words for saving the planet such as ‘green’ so how about these:
Earth, keep the machine green
Paint the town green
Slogans that rhyme are always catchy too.
There’s a few words in this sentence but the rhyme makes it easy to remember:
What sobriety conceals, alcohol reveals
Some of the biggest corporations in the world use slogans and these show, they don’t have to rhyme to be effective:
I’m Lovin’ It (McDonalds)
Diet Coke Break (Diet Coke)
Eat Fresh (Subway)
It’s The Taste (PG Tips)
What these show is that you need to keep slogans punchy. If you can say it in three words then it will work. Of course, these organisations back up their ideas with multi-million dollar advertising campaigns. The Subway example doesn’t work unless we associate it with their logo.
If you’re not planning a big advertising spend, you had better make sure the slogan isn’t too abstract.
The best thing to do is get a piece of blank paper and a pen and brain storm. Don’t worry if things sounds good or bad as you write them down, just put it all on paper while it's in your mind. Once you have filled the page with ideas, put the pen down and read them all out loud. You can cross off the rubbish ones and then read them to friends. Eventually, you will be left with the best one or the process will lead you to more ideas.