My mother actually had a CT done this morning,and in the process of diagnosing a kidney stone, found that she has what they called a "baby spleen." It measured about 6mm and she had never been told about it before today. The Dr. Said she was born with it or possibly started to have a small aneurysm that fixed itself. When they said baby spleen we thought they meant one small spleen--like the size a baby would have...not a normal spleen and an additional one to boot.
Yes, as a matter of fact I was born with 2 spleens. This was discovered after I was having a ct scan before a surgery. I was also born with 3 kidneys, all normal size. Two on my right side & one on my left!
I too was born with 2 spleens. I am absolutely convinced though, that someone was compensating for me being born without a uterus!