
Which Dissolves Better In Water-salt Or Baking Soda?


43 Answers

Adam Yare Profile
Adam Yare answered
Salt dissolves better in water than baking soda. This is because salt has a higher rate of solubility than baking soda although the explanation of why this must be answered in terms of the bonds between the atoms. Very simply, salt dissolves better in water because it is a grain, a large particle, whereas baking soda has the consistency of a soft powder.

This can be very simply explained in terms of chemical bonds. Salt is held together by ionic bonding, which means that the two parts of the Sodium Chloride are charged. Whereas baking soda is held together by covalent bonds which means that the atoms are not changed. This makes it very difficult for baking soda to dissolve in water.

You can always try this experiment out for yourself. You will need to containers that are exactly the same filled with exactly the same amount of water. It is very important that the containers are the same and the same amount of water is present in each to eliminate any extraneous variables that could have an impact on the results of the experiment. Then weigh out the exact same amount of salt and baking soda. Unless you have a scale that measures to several decimal places, there may be a small amount of human error present in this part of the experiment.

You will then need to add the salt to one container of water and the baking soda to the other at the exact same time. It will be useful to get someone else to help you with this bit. As soon as the two have been added to the water, start a stopwatch and time how long it takes for them both to dissolve.

If you are being very scientific then you will want to conduct this experiment several times, making sure that the same amount of water and salt and baking soda is used. Use the times recorded to find out an average.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Salt dissolves better that baking soda. I'm a nine year old girl that did the experiment and after ten trials I can prove that salt dissolves better and faster.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

baking soda dissolves  better when stirred in warm water but salt wins  over all warm or cold water!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered


Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Okay.... We have done the experiment in the last week and I know for a fact that salt DOES dissolve better (which was the original question) than baking soda. While they are both of the sodium base, it is because of the anions that make up the difference in the solubility.While the salt is HIGHLY polar as is the water as well......the water will dissolve it much more efficiently and much more OF it than the baking soda which is at a much LOWER polar level and therefore, dissolves quicker in the beginning but much less efficiently and in lower amounts (up to 3.5 times than the salt.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Baking soda dissolves better in water than salt. It dissolves much more faster. I've done the experiment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think baking soda because baking soda spread and make bubbles and stuff! So I say baking soda !
wilbert u can call me sue Profile
Yes, especially in warm water and it is wonderful no matter what age to put in bath as it neutralizes chlorine and makes skin softer. Not to mention if you have a rash, will soothe
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would say salt but depending on what type of salt. (salt with anti clumping agent does not dissolve)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Baking soda dissolves better because it is Powder particles spread and water squeeze the Powder and it vanish and salt does not dissolves because it particles are hard and even ice can't dissolves this piece of food.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some of you are retarded. I did the experiment for my science fair project and repeated it three times and the every trial it was baking soda.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's baking soda. Its less dense than salt. Meaning water can dissolve it fater than salt which is a small rock.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Most people here are wrong. The answer is SALT. NaCl has two ions, and they are seperated by the polar water molecules. This way, salt dissolves in water easier than baking soda.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Most of you r WRONG exept for greentree7. Just because it dissolves faster doesnt mean it can dissovle more! Salt has 2 ionic charges, baking soda has none. On average, you can dissolve 0.5g of baking soda in 10mL of water. But for salt, you can dissolve mabey 3 or 4g in 10mL. Hope that helps....     :) :P
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Nope its definitely baking soda
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Are you just making this up? Because your wrong and have no proof. Educate yourself first.
Salt dissolved better.
Dave Cowles Profile
Dave Cowles answered
By experience only I would say salt, NaCl. Na+ and Cl- ions are very easily kept in solution. Na+ and HCO3- less so I think based on the lower electro negativity of the HCO3- ion.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Which dissolves faster in water baking soda or salt cause I'm doing it on my science fair project this week and I have nothing and every body saying both
Earl Maltb Profile
Earl Maltb answered
I've never heard of baking soda  but saltwater  hmmmmmmm

Water is the universal solvent eventually it will dissolve everything!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well greentree this little boy who is eight apperantly has a live because he stopeed comeenting and we are doing this for a science fair project so we will get back to you on it.

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