
What Is A Virgina?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The proper name is vagina.  "Pee" DOES NOT come out of the vagina.  The vagina is located directly under the urethra.  The urethra is where "pee" comes out of.  Please google a photo of the female anatomy and you will be able to understand it better.
Anton Chigurh Profile
Anton Chigurh answered
I'm going to assume you mean "vagina".

Va⋅gi⋅na  /vəˈdʒaɪnə/
–noun, plural -nas, -nae  /-ni/

1. Anatomy, Zoology. A. The passage leading from the uterus to the vulva in certain female mammals.
B. A sheathlike part or organ.

2. Botany. The sheath formed by the basal part of certain leaves where they embrace the stem.

You might consider purchasing an English dictionary.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
None of you` all need to know this because its gross and disgusting plus you can't even pronounce it rite
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Um a girls body part?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is where girls pee comes out a penis is what guys pee out of.

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