Could You Define The Emic And Etic Approach Used In Anthropological Research?


3 Answers

Tess Langley Profile
Tess Langley answered
An emic approach refers to an approach that deals with the insider's view of the culture that is being studied; this is usually done by a native to the studied culture. On the other hand etic approach is an approach that takes an outsider's view to the studied culture with the researcher not being part of that culture.
Anthropology is the study of humanity. It has origins in the humanities, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. The term 'anthropology' is from the Greek anthr_pos, 'human being', and logia, 'study', and was first used in 1501 by German philosopher Magnus Hundt.

In the United States, contemporary anthropology is typically divided into four sub-fields: Cultural anthropology also known as social anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and physical or biological anthropology. The four-field approach to anthropology is reflected in many undergraduate textbooks as well as anthropology programs e.g. Michigan, Berkeley, Penn. At universities in the United Kingdom, and much of Europe, these 'sub-fields' are frequently housed in separate departments and are seen as distinct disciplines.

The social and cultural sub-field has been heavily influenced by structuralism and post-modern theories, as well as a shift toward the analysis of modern societies an arena more typically in the remit of sociologists. During the 1970s and 1990s there was an epistemological shift away from the positivist traditions that had largely informed the discipline. During this shift, enduring questions about the nature and production of knowledge came to occupy a central place in cultural and social anthropology. On the other hand, archaeology, biological anthropology, and linguistic anthropology remained largely positivist. Due to this difference in epistemology, anthropology as a discipline has lacked cohesion over the last several decades. This has even led to departments diverging, for example in the 1998-9 academic year at Stanford University, where the 'scientists' and 'non-scientists' divided into two departments: Anthropological sciences and cultural & social anthropology; these departments later reunified in the 2008-9 academic year.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Emic is studying a culture taking into account the internal logic of a culture, and explaining it from the people with in the culture's point of view. Etic is studying a culture by applying the anthropologist's point of view to the culture, explaining things through an ethnocentric mind frame, rather than asking what it means to those in the culture.
Shumaila Sadia Profile
Shumaila Sadia answered
These are two approaches that are used in anthropological research.
Emic and etic approaches
Emic approach refers to the approach that deals with the insider's view of the culture, tusually by the he natives. On the other hand etic is the researcher's view that is the outsider's view who is not the part of that culture.For further details please visit:

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