
Compare The Characteristics Of A Management Information System And A Decision Support System. Why Are Decision Support Systems Suited For Executive Decision-making? Why Must An Executive Support System Be Flexible And Easy To Use?


2 Answers

Liam Sheasby Profile
Liam Sheasby answered
A Management Information System provides the information required for managing an organization. It focuses on information, technology and people, with people being the primary element. Such a system is integral to all business problems and strategies and makes sure all relevant data is of sufficient depth and accurate, not to mention relevant and current. It then makes sure the capacity - via technology - is in place so that the people can utilize it. IBM gained notoriety by providing the mainframes used to act as a hub for this business information sharing and access.

A Decision Support System is the computer based information system previously mentioned. It is the technology that enables the high speed of decision making and action. It is the mainframe which houses all the previous data the business collects about the market and current relevant business information, such as currency values, share values, and trading trends, but also allows inter-communication between companies and internally in those companies. Such technology allows the rapid construction of data models and the observation of trends faster than people might usually predict or pick up on.

The Decision Support System is useful for executive decision making because it facilitates them; it gives them the knowledge they need to make the judgments that count. An informed judgment based on factual evidence is far more likely to be beneficial than one based on presumption.

The executive support system must be flexible and easy to use because these are business people, not I.T. Specialists. If the system is too complicated to be used quickly and easily then it won't generate the increased productivity it is capable of.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
While not disagreeing with some of the key aspects of both systems, I stil think that now a days business need to relly on APM, cause most business loose lots of money, cause they are not fully aligned. I mean that the business is not in line with their IT investments. These days companies depend on a lot more to stay competitive and to generate growth and value, and the best way to do it is by being able to monitor in real time and even predict possible issues with their end users, clients, servers, applications, accross the web and the data center. Solutions capable to make deep diving analysis, and relly on fail tolerant systems, etc...
The game now days is far too much demanding. Seniro management use tools capable of generating different types of reports, that give them a complete picture of the organization as a whole, but also per department. Are also able to tweek whenevere situation so requires. Through a business ojject modeling apporach, companies and governmants arre capable of verifying and redifining processes and keep operations working very efficient but also a complete outlook of future directions.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The decision support systems is suited for Executive Decision-making because they work together to make the best decision for the organization.  It allows all levels of the business to take part.

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