What Are The Effects Of Privatization In An Economy?


3 Answers

Lily James Profile
Lily James answered

Privatization is basically the process of transfer of ownership of a business from Public sector to the private sector. Privatization is as old as the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.

Following are the affects of privatization on an economy:

- Results in improvement of functions.
- Reduction in corruption
- Accountability is strict in privatization
- Market disciplined companies in the economy
- Results in natural monopoly
- Profits are disbursed amongst various sectors of the economy.
- More profits are generated in an economy.

muhammed althaf Profile
muhammed althaf answered
The impact of globalisation an privatization on the growth and development of of various sectors of indian economy
Harsh Tayal Profile
Harsh Tayal answered
Can you explain in a little detail....???

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