Voice intensity, which can also be called vocal intensity, is the third major vocal attribute (the other two attributes are frequency and harmonic structure, and cover aspects of the voice like pitch) . When someone uses the phrase voice intensity, they are referring to volume - how loud or quiet a person's voice sounds. Voice intensity can be changed by a number of factors.
One factor which can affect voice intensity is the vibration of the vocal chords. A smaller number of vibrations of the vocal chords can result in a quieter voice, while a large number of vibrations in the vocal chords will make for a louder voice. In addition, the size, or amplitude, of the vibrations of the vocal chords can affect voice intensity. If the vocal chords' vibrations are large, meaning they move a large distance from their resting position, the sound of a person's voice will be louder.
On the other hand, if the amplitude of the vocal chords' vibrations is small, meaning they move a small distance from their resting position, then the voice will be quieter. This is because, if the amplitude of the vibrations is large, it puts more pressure on the air within the glottis (that's the part of the body responsible for your voice, and includes things like vocal chords and the larynx), making a louder noise. This means that voice intensity will vary from person to person - if the vocal chords within a particular person's glottis can only make little vibrations, their voice will be quieter than the voice of a person whose vocal chords are designed to make large vibrations.
Voice intensity is measured in decibels. 0 decibels is the equivalent of 0.0002 microbars, and so any sound louder than 0 decibels is measured in comparison with this 0.0002 microbars.
One factor which can affect voice intensity is the vibration of the vocal chords. A smaller number of vibrations of the vocal chords can result in a quieter voice, while a large number of vibrations in the vocal chords will make for a louder voice. In addition, the size, or amplitude, of the vibrations of the vocal chords can affect voice intensity. If the vocal chords' vibrations are large, meaning they move a large distance from their resting position, the sound of a person's voice will be louder.
On the other hand, if the amplitude of the vocal chords' vibrations is small, meaning they move a small distance from their resting position, then the voice will be quieter. This is because, if the amplitude of the vibrations is large, it puts more pressure on the air within the glottis (that's the part of the body responsible for your voice, and includes things like vocal chords and the larynx), making a louder noise. This means that voice intensity will vary from person to person - if the vocal chords within a particular person's glottis can only make little vibrations, their voice will be quieter than the voice of a person whose vocal chords are designed to make large vibrations.
Voice intensity is measured in decibels. 0 decibels is the equivalent of 0.0002 microbars, and so any sound louder than 0 decibels is measured in comparison with this 0.0002 microbars.