What Is The Significance Of The Van Krevelen Diagram In The Generation Of Oil And Gas?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The van Krevelen diagram indicates the carbon-hydrogen-oxygen composition of organic matter.  It is a plot of the atomic ratio of oxygen to carbon (ranging from 0 to 0.3) on the abscissa vs.  Atomic ratio of hydrogen to carbon on the ordinate (ranging from 0 to about 1.75).  Different kinds of organic matter are more likely to produce oil during thermocatalytic maturation than other types: Algae, type 1, H-rich, O-poor, tend to make good oils.  Trees and other woody vegetation are made of type 3 organic matter, O-rich, H-poor, and are sources of coal and gas.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It tells you the depth at which that particular type of hydrocarbon was formed, thus making it easy to track hydrocarbons.

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