
Where Is Latitude 39.97, Longitude -83.00 In Columbus, Ohio?


1 Answers

Abi Ainscough Profile
Abi Ainscough answered
According to the Google Maps free online service, the latitude of 39.97 and longitude of -83.00 is located at Nationwide Boulevard, Columbus, Ohio. The specific address pinpointed on Google Maps is 88 East Nationwide Boulevard, which is the site of the Cosmetic Surgery Recovery Suites. The telephone number for this address is 614-580-9395.

• The Cosmetic Surgery Recovery Suites, 88 East Nationwide Boulevard, OH

The Cosmetic Surgery Recovery Suites provide aftercare for outpatients of cosmetic surgery. The location of 88 East Nationwide Boulevard was chosen as it is within the cosmetic surgery center or Columbus, Ohio, making it a convenient place for outpatients in need of rest and recovery. They can provide aftercare for a number of treatments, including breast enlargement and augmentation, tummy tuck, liposuction and face-lifts. Their website can be found at

• Nationwide Boulevard, Columbus, Ohio

Nationwide Boulevard, and East and West Nationwide Boulevard, are all in Columbus, Ohio. They are home to a number of attractions and leisure facilities, including the Nationwide Arena, which is a host of a number of music, comedy and sporting events, including Andrea Bocelli and Britney Spears concerts, WWE Wrestling and Monster Truck events, and children's events such as Sesame Street Live. On Nationwide Boulevard, there are also a number of hotels, restaurants and services, including the Crowne Plaza Hotel, the Arena Grand Movie Theater, Bucca di Beppo Restaurant and the Black and Blue Grille.

• Using Google Maps.

Google Maps is a free online service provided by the search engine and super-company, Google. To access this service, simply type into your web-browser the following address: Once you are on the Google page, look to the top left-hand corner of the page, and you will see a number of tabs. The tab you are looking for is "maps". Click on the "maps" tab and you will be taken to a page with a map of the world and a search bar on it. In the search bar, you can either type in a latitude and longitude (such as 39.97, -83.00) or an address.

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