Attitude is an emotion that all people get when they other emotions. Attitudes are positive, negative or neutral views of an “attitude object”, i.e., a person, behavior or an event. Attitudes typically come from judgments. The link between the attitude and behavior exists, but depends upon human behavior. Factors which can improve the statistical relationships between attitudes and behavior are: Importance of the attitude Specificity of the attitude Accessibility of the attitude Social pressures Direct experience with the attitude 1. Important attitudes are the ones that reflect fundamental values self interest or personal identification with individual or groups. Attitudes that an individual considers important tend to show a strong relationship to behavior. 2. Specificity of the attitude. The more specific the attitude the more specific the behavior, the stronger the relationship between the two. 3. Attitudes that are recollected more easily are more to predict behavior that those which are difficult to recall. These attitudes which are expressed frequently are more likely to shape the behavior. 4. Social pressures can cause discrepancies between attitudes and this is what tends to characterize behavior in organizations. 5. Direct experience of an individual on any topic provides a stronger relationships between attitude and behavior as an individual finds it easier to relate to the topic than a hypnotically situation. Thus if these factors are kept in mind when a survey is designed, would definitely improve the relationships between attitude and behavior.