- What is informed consent?
Establishing whether or not someone is 'informed' can be difficult as it can be hard to realize whether or not a person fully understands what they are confirming. It can be difficult with minors for example of people who suffer from intellectual or emotional immaturity.
People who are disabled, suffer from mental illness, Alzheimer's disease, or people who are intoxicated, in shock or sleep deprived may not be in a position to fully understand what they are consenting to. Also it would not be considered informed, so lawyers have to be careful when people are giving their consent.
- When can informed consent be eliminated from an experiment?
Other experiments where participants are not given all the information they need to give their full consent is when patients are given placebo drugs. If the patient knew it was a placebo it would not have any effect and we could not learn how the placebo affects us mentally.
- Ethics