How Can We Show Our Care And Concern For The Earth's Oceans And Land?


2 Answers

lakeesha Hennessy Williams Profile
There are a number of ways to show care, concern, and love to the earth. If you want my opinion, then the first step would be to stop harming it!

How to show the earth you care
So you're interested in making a difference to the well-being of the planet? If so, then there are a couple of different causes of which you should take note: is a great site. They have a list of really simple things you can do to make a difference to the earth, through tasks such as, 'going vegetarian once a week' and 'turning off your computer at night'.

-Greenpeace is probably the best-known earth charity. They're involved in all sorts of initiatives to protect the planet and its wildlife. However, they're not the only charity trying to make a difference to the planet!

This is a list of 'Green' charities that you should get involved in if you care about Mother Earth.

Finally, I'd recommend you simply spend some time observing nature. This might not sound as if it would be a great help to the earth, but I think that if everyone just took some time out to appreciate the planet, they'd be more concerned about its welfare.
Xiaokang Song Profile
Xiaokang Song answered
As an individual, all we can do is only the petty things, such as saving water, paper and not using plastic sacks - which may seem trivial, but if everyone does this, our oceans and land will become more beautiful.

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