What is an aesthetic attitude?


1 Answers

Iris Phillips Profile
Iris Phillips answered
The first definition of the term aesthetic attitude that was found reads similar to this: An aesthetic attitude is an attitude of engaged, yet disinterested and detached contemplation frequently regarded as the only appropriate way to understand the aesthetic value of nature or a work of art.

  • Additional Definition
Elsewhere, the term is defined as such: A sympathetic and disinterested attention to and also contemplation of any kind of object for its own sake. Sympathetic here means to accept an object on its terms in order to appreciate it; disinterested refers to having no concerns regarding ulterior purposes and contemplation is to direct one's perception toward the object for its own sake with no desire to ask questions or analyze it.

  • A Special Attitude
Basically, what all this means is that a special attitude is supposedly needed when approaching a work of art, or even nature in order to appreciate it. This attitude involves three main concepts, namely a lack of practical considerations, a lack of personal desires or emotions and indifference to reality.

  • Lack of Practical Considerations
An object should be approached without thoughts of practical, intellectual, sensual or moral implications it may present. It should be simply regarded for what it is.

  • Freedom From Personal Emotions or Desires
Pre-conceived personal motives, emotions and desires should be laid aside in order to let the work of art speak for itself. In other words, an object should not be approached with an expectation of certain emotions or feelings to be evoked.

  • Indifference to Reality
One should not approach an object without the intent to scientifically analyze it or attach a meaning or some kind of concept to it. The object should be taken as it is, without questioning what, where, why or how it is or what it may represent.

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