Yes, absolutely. The hipster scene might have developed as a middle class white thing this time round, but the original hipsters in the 1940s were mostly black. At the time the question was whether white people could be hipsters.
Why should a black person not be allowed to be a middle class older teenager or young adult who likes indie rock from the 90s, reads Clash and Vice or takes the occasional look at Pitchfork Media?
Hippie, beat, grunge, punk, it is all there, jumbled together into some kind of cultural mishmash without a hint of regard to any of the original movements, so why not add a little of that colorful black culture.
In short, everybody wears what they want. All of a sudden every male within miles decides to swap those baggy pants for a pair of skin-tight jeans or leopard-leggings, slaps on a hat, grabs a skate-board and hey presto, we have a hipster.
- Why the Difference?
Why should a black person not be allowed to be a middle class older teenager or young adult who likes indie rock from the 90s, reads Clash and Vice or takes the occasional look at Pitchfork Media?
- Melting Pot
Hippie, beat, grunge, punk, it is all there, jumbled together into some kind of cultural mishmash without a hint of regard to any of the original movements, so why not add a little of that colorful black culture.
In short, everybody wears what they want. All of a sudden every male within miles decides to swap those baggy pants for a pair of skin-tight jeans or leopard-leggings, slaps on a hat, grabs a skate-board and hey presto, we have a hipster.
- The Real Problem