
Would You Go To Mars Even If You Knew You Would Die There?


14 Answers

Merlin Paine Profile
Merlin Paine answered
No .....Even though it would put a lot of distance between me and my ex wife, which would be good,. I still would not want to leave my kids behind.  Also the planet is pretty barren and there might not be much one could do to entertain themselves. What's more there probably would not be any
thanked the writer.
Jack Mahon
Jack Mahon commented
I hear they have a family crew trip, you can bring everyone with you, so there's no excuses.
Anonymous commented
Thanks Socrates, the lack of beer would suck.
Keith Old Profile
Keith Old answered
G'day Gvp,

Thank you for your question.

I wouldn't go to Mars if I knew that I would die there. I probably wouldn't go anywhere if I knew I was going to die there.

Only reason would be if I would save mankind but that would be an unlikely scenario.

thanked the writer.
View all 5 Comments
Jack Mahon
Jack Mahon commented
I guess no one's told you, but you've been on a one way mission to Earth. So I guess you did go someplace where you were going to die. You just didn't have the opportunity to volunteer.
Ilina commented
Agreed, Keithold
Keith Old
Keith Old commented
Yes but the timeframe will hopefully be longer and I won't die far from friends and family
yarnlady Profile
yarnlady answered
No, I have never wanted to go to Mars, and that would make it even worse.
Joan Profile
Joan answered
Definitely not for this lady.  My years are numbered (as every one's is, I just happen to have used up a great deal of mine) so,  I do not want to waste what is left of them.  Life is good and I intend to stick around as long as I can.  I know where I shall be spending eternity, I am just in no rush to get there.  This part of the journey has been a good ride, so far with plenty to keep me entertained, astonished and grateful..
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Well you have a nice outlook on life, perhaps it is just me and a few others who dream of stepping onto another planet at any cost :)
Gene wright Profile
Gene wright answered
Would i ride on a space ship built by the lowest bidder?
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
You probably fly on a plane that way, cruise on a ship and hopefully you do not drive a Toyota LOL
Jewelly A. Shetka
There's nothing wrong with the Toyotas
that can't be compisated by someone with brain.
Gas pedal/throtale sticks....use clutch to down-
shift or just put put your atomatic in Neutral
and bring the car to a stop.
We have a Toyota...and no sticking problems
Elizabeth Tyler Profile
Elizabeth Tyler answered
Well it depends on how long will it be til i die? And how long would it be til i die on earth? I live long on mars then yes if not then no.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
It was a poorly worded question... Basically meant if you knew you would die out there, but have an okay life otherwise, would you accept the task of starting colonization on that planet :)
Elizabeth Tyler
Elizabeth Tyler commented
Sure! If they print money could i be on it??? Hahahahaahhaha! I am not ugly i think i am quiet decent lookin but then again i dont like to think highly of myself.
William Harkin Profile
William Harkin answered
Yes.Definitely,it would be a great journey,(i was going to say trip lol).I forgot to mention,i would only go on my 105th birthday.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Thanks Willielad, at least someone has some sense of adventure. Now all we have to do is make sure you live to be 150 lol
William Harkin
William Harkin commented
With the world in this state,i don't want to live that long.I say that now,wait till closer the
Mike McCarthy Profile
Mike McCarthy answered
Sorry but no. Life is too precious to throw away. Besides, there wouldn't be anyone there for company.
Soumaya Mahdy Profile
Soumaya Mahdy answered
well if i know i will die..why will i go in any cases? So no i wouldnt...but i would love to visit the moon lol :)
thx for ur question..
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Maybe I should have said a 50/50 chance.... Nobody seems to be interested in being recorded in the history books lol
Thanks Think-fast
Ruth Campbell Profile
Ruth Campbell answered
No!  Why would I want to die?  I wouldn't go even if there was a very good chance that I wouldn't die.  I prefer to keep my feet on the good ol' ground.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Well I meant more as, yea you'd die but you'd also be remembered and taught in schools, way cooler than buzz or neil hehe
Ruth Campbell
Ruth Campbell commented
Hey, GPAC, I have no great wish to be remembered. It would be nice, but if I have to die to do it, no thanks.
Stewart Pinkerton Profile
Absolutely, no question. My wife would even buy the ticket!  :-)

To stand on another world - whatta rush!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Well thanks Madmacstew... And tell your wife thank you as well..... Finally someone has some adventure in them :)
Jewelly A. Shetka Profile
Couldn't handle the sense of weightlessness.  
I'd probably drowned before I even got to Mars.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Yea I don't even like roller coasters so I see what you mean, thanks Syron9
Jewelly A. Shetka
Me, neither. I stay on th ground
and watch every one else loose their cookies.

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