Why can't humans be cloned but sheep and mice can? Why?


3 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Science hasn't evolved that far yet! At least not that the public know's about. I don't think human cloning is a great idea. If the technology fell into the wrong hands, would you want another Hitler or Stalin? I'll pass on the human cloning idea. It has it's goods but plenty of bads also. Plus, only the rich would get access to it.

lover boy Profile
lover boy answered

You can clone a human by swabs but they still take loads of time to grow because they are still born like mice and sheep and they still have to go through the baby, childhood, teenhood,  adulthood stages. So they still take time

Cyber Tooth Tiger Profile

Well, from a movie i saw on television one time there was guy who was cloned and his personality was not nice But this was just a movie not based on true meaning. So I think cloning a human being would be wrong thing to do  -according to that movie it wasn't all that good.

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