Good question! I think that it's different in different countries. Just like we still use feet and inches instead of the metric system. Some countries just don't adapt to other methods as well as others. As Ray Dart would say : It's the bloody colonists !
Why do some people write the date in mm/dd/yyyy format when the dd/mm/yyyy format makes more logical sense?
I think it is because people think "Today is July 16, 2015, thus to use just numbers, it is 07/16/2015" while others think the logical way is to use smallest to largest.. Day/month/year . I use whatever the computer program puts in lol
Well it depends on the country !!
In my country we write Day/month/year but Americans write Month/day/year !
In America probably month is more important than the day that's why they write it first !! But well it's still a question and
in my opinion month/day/year is cooler ( but a little weird )