As you approach the speed of light, time goes slower, or space gets smaller, so you end up with time-space being a single entity.
Space is a multi-layered, multi-dimentional, realm of energy fabric or fabrics of energy (which the human eye cannot see).
(Though it appears to the human eye as black, it is actually a dark sapphire blue. What makes it appear black is the fact that space mostly contains hydrogen which gives it the appearance to humans as being black. A similar phenomenon is found with the black sea on earth, which does not appear blue because of its high concentration of a hydrogen compound.)
Anyway, time exists throughout space because time is aspect of energy, the motion of energy that is. So since space is a form of energy and time is an aspect of energy time is everywhere in space. Time itself may be defined as the duration or measure of the motion of energy. We discern time or the motion of energy in changes in the natural world and space. As energy moves as part of all things such things either progress or regress, grow or decompose, etc. If or when energy ever stops time would stop or no longer apply to that place where energy ceased to move in its previous form, but it would continue on in its degenerative forms in other states of matter.