How much is a cusec?


1 Answers

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

About the same as a henway.

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Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
You gotta be an Australian, Hippy.

One of the young guys at work once said, "I saw a piecost this morning." I'm supposed to ask "What's a piecost?" and he'd have given me the price. But I said, "It was parked down by the station as I came in." So he said, "Do you know what a piecost is?" I nodded wisely and said, "Sure, it's second-cousin to a mattermate." And, so help me, he asked, "What's a mattermate?" To which the standard Australian answer is, "Nothing, mate. What's a matter with you?" Hoist on his own petard. :D
Ancient Hippy
Ancient Hippy commented
That's classic Didge. You got em.
yeahsure linda
yeahsure linda commented
They don't even know what a hen is

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